Past projects, reports and related publications.


Project Gallery

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Building Capacity

for Change

Central Valley Leaders Effectively Addressing the Drought (2016-2017).

Open Mind worked with the Central Valley Community Foundation and their funding partners to design, deliver and manage a targeted capacity-building initiative to help generate long-term solutions to persistent, recurring drought in rural, under-served communities. The initiative included three components: leadership development, organizational capacity building, and storytelling in partnership with local artists.

Read More: Central Valley Leaders Effectively Addressing the Drought


Fund for

Rural Equity

Capacity building for nonprofits serving diverse rural regions of California (2014-2015).

Provided coaching, capacity building guidance, and grant portfolio management to deepen the impact of organizations serving low-income communities of color in the San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast of California. Supported by the Community Leadership Project.

Read More:  Learning and Culturally Responsive Evaluation


Growing Hunger

Land Reform, Food Sovereignty and Latin American Rural Development (2003-2006).

Photos Courtesy of Jennifer Tong


A collaborative research effort to document, analyze and explore the contradictions of economic policies, persistent hunger and land distribution in rural societies.

Read More: Promised Land, Competing Visions of Agrarian Reform Food First Books